Professor Emma Griffin: Introducing the next President-Elect

Professor Emma Griffin: Introducing the next President-Elect

The Royal Historical Society will formally announce the appointment of  our new President-Elect at its AGM this evening. We asked Emma Griffin, Professor of Modern British History at the University of East Anglia to introduce herself, her research and her reasons for...
Plan S and History Journals

Plan S and History Journals

Are History journals ready for Plan S? What are the implications for historians of cOAlition S’s mandate that all research that its funders fund be published according to Plan S open access requirements? Between July and September 2019, the Royal Historical...
Insta-Research: Social Media and the Historian

Insta-Research: Social Media and the Historian

As a scholar working in a rural UK university, far from peers in her field of study, Kate Strasdin decided to embrace Instagram and Twitter as a means of professional engagement, and to explore the potential for virtual communication when travel to conferences and...