History and Sustainability: Learning together with ICT students

History and Sustainability: Learning together with ICT students

    In this post, Laura Harrison describes her recent project at the University of the West of England to introduce History content to undergraduate courses in Information, Communications and Technology (ICT). As Laura notes, historians think long and hard...
Teaching Soviet History from the Borderlands: A Case Study of Belarus and Ukraine

Teaching Soviet History from the Borderlands: A Case Study of Belarus and Ukraine

  How can we ‘decolonise the curriculum’ when it comes to the history of the Soviet Union? How do we decentralise our historical approach to former-Soviet states? In this post Natalya Chernyshova discusses the importance of these questions for modern...
New to Teaching History 2022: An Interactive Workshop, Part 6 – ‘Creativity in History Curricula’

New to Teaching History 2022: An Interactive Workshop, Part 6 – ‘Creativity in History Curricula’

In September 2022 the Royal Historical Society, in partnership with History UK, organised an interactive workshop hosted by Professor Jamie Wood (Lincoln). This workshop aimed to open discussions on the challenges and opportunities of teaching History at UK...