Bartrum Project
This resource provides researchers with a fully searchable electronic version of Peter Clement Bartrum’s out-of-print Welsh Genealogies AD 300-1400 (8 vols) and Welsh Genealogies AD 1400-1500 (18 vols), as well as his published and unpublished revisions to these texts. Researchers can search learn how the arts were patronised by the Welsh gentry who were commemorated by pedigrees – including literature, architecture, and heraldry.
Cistercians in Yorkshire
This resource provides researchers with detailed information on five Yorkshire religious houses which have significant standing ruins in Yorkshire. Researchers can access information on the historical context of the religious houses and the architecture of each religious life, which offer readers a glimpse into everyday Cistercian monastic life. The website also contains a list of important religious, political, and royal figures for medieval England with brief biographies of each individual figure.
City Witness: Place and Perspective in Medieval Swansea
This resource provides researchers with access to medieval testimonies, archaeological evidence, and miscellaneous documentary evidences which explore questions of place and perspective in medieval Swansea. The website provides researchers with a freely accessible database of case studies, which researchers can read in the original Latin text, alongside modern English. The website is available in English and Welsh.
Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi: Medieval Stained Glass in Great Britain
The online resource provides researchers with access to an online digital archive of medieval stained glass across Great Britain. The resource contains over 25,000 digitised images, and its database provides researchers with access to a digital version of the Birkin Haward collection of Victorian stained glass in Norfolk, and the ground-plans of nearly 200 churches.
Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music (DIAMM)
This resource provides researchers with information to enhance the study of medieval music manuscripts. The website contains digitised images of medieval polyphonic music across England and Europe written before 1550, and researchers can search for medieval music through its online database.
A Digital Edition of the Vernon Manuscript
This resource provides researchers with free access to digitised images of the late fourteenth century medieval Vernon Manuscript, held in the Bodleian Library. The Vernon Manuscript contains Middle English, French, and Latin religious literature, with the dialect of the text from the West Midlands. Researchers can access transcriptions of the text and also view the illuminated pages contained within the manuscript through the Bodleian Library website.
Early English Church Music (EECM)
This resource contains information on scholarly editions of English polyphonic and monophonic music, which was produced between the eleventh and seventeenth centuries. The website provides links to external databases and digitised images of early church music, reconstructions of fragmentary pieces, and miscellaneous transcriptions.
England’s Immigrants 1330-1550: Resident Aliens in the Late Middle Ages
This resource provides researchers with access to a database which contains the names of over 64,000 names of people known to have migrated to England from the Hundred Years’ War to the Reformation. Researchers are provided with overviews about late medieval laws, contextual essays, and teaching resources for primary and secondary school pupils, including lesson plans, which are freely available to download.
Exon: the Domesday Survey of South-West England
This resource provides researchers with access to an online edition, translation and facsimile of the Exon Domesday, held in Exeter Cathedral Library, which is the earliest extant manuscript of William the Conqueror’s survey. The website provides contextual overviews about the Domesday survey, a complete digital facsimile, introductions to scribal hands, and translations of the Latin texts in modern English.
Henry III Fine Rolls Project
The resource provides researchers with information about how fines were paid to King Henry III (1216-1272), which includes the system in which an agreement was made to pay the king a sum of money for a specified concession. The rolls provide an insight into thirteenth century English politics, government, economy, and society post-establishment of the Magna Carta.
Hull Domesday Project
This resource provides researchers with access to an electronic and fully encoded text of Great and Little Domesday, which is a database of major Domesday statistics for all people and places in eleventh-century England. The website presents scholarly commentaries on all matters of interest in the 25,000 entries, including the names of the lords who owned 12,000 manors.
A Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English (LAEME)
This resource provides researchers information through a database about the variation in space and time of linguistic forms found in early Middle English texts, covering the period c. 1150-1325. LAEME is a sub-division of A Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English, 1350-1450 (eLALME), which deals with the period of written English immediately preceding that of LALME, as well as A Linguistic Atlas of Older Scots (LAOS), which deals with variation in written Older Scots.
Linguistic Geographies: The Gough Map of Great Britain
The resource provides researchers with information about the Gough Map’s “linguistic geographies”. The website contains an interactive and searchable edition of the Gough Map, which researchers can search by medieval and modern place names. Additionally, researchers are provided with historical contexts and guides, including linguistic evidences, and place-name records.
The Magna Carta Project
The resource showcases the context, production, and the reception of the Magna Carta, which was signed by King John in 1215. The website provides researchers with the original Latin texts of the Magna Carta with up-to-date English translations and academic commentaries, and there is also analysis on King John’s other charters and itinerary in diary form between 1214 and 1215.
Manuscripts of the West Midlands: A Catalogue of Vernacular Manuscript Books of the English West Midlands, c. 1300-c. 1475
The resource provides researchers with a catalogue of vernacular manuscript books relating to the English West Midlands. The website provides detailed descriptions and images for more than 150 manuscripts associated on linguistic grounds with the historic West Midlands counties of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire.
Manuscripts Online
This resource allows researchers to search through a diverse body of online primary sources relating to written and early print culture in Medieval Britain. The resources include a database through which researchers can search for literary manuscripts, historical documents, and early printed books.
Mapping Medieval Chester: Place and Identity in an English Borderland City, c. 1200-1500
This resource provides researchers with information regarding the history of medieval Chester and the challenges it faced as a border city between England and Wales. The website focuses predominantly on integrating geographical and literary mappings of the medieval city and used information technologies as a means to explore these “mappings”. Additionally, the website is available in English and Welsh. Some of the online resources are accessible by subscription only.
Mapping the Medieval Countryside: Properties, Place and People
The resource gives researchers online access to inquisitions post-mortem that were drawn up in medieval England. Visitors to the website can browse for individual case studies through digitised editions of medieval documents, calendars, and inquisitions post-mortem.
Medieval Petitions: A Catalogue of Exchequer, Chancery and Gascon Petitions in the National Archives
This resource is hosted by the National Archives of the UK website and was part of a major project which digitised and catalogued 17,629 ‘Ancient’ petitions that were addressed to the English crown between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. Researchers are given free access to digitised images of each petitions, and the catalogue provides the personal and place names of each petition, as well as detailed summaries of the contents of each petition.
Models of Authority: Scottish Charters and the Emergence of Government 1100-1250
This resource enables researchers to study the contents, script, and physical appearance of Scottish charters which survive between 1100 and 1250. The resource showcases how these charters provide evidence of perception of royal government during a crucial period in Scottish history. This included tracking how scribes imitated one another in the incremental process of stylistic change, how kingship evolved as a model of authority, and identifying the influence of non-royal charters of practices observed in royal charters.
People of Medieval Scotland 1093-1371 (PoMS)
The online resource provides researchers with access to a free database of all known people of Scotland mentioned in over 8600 contemporary documents between the death of King Malcolm III 1093 until Robert I’s parliament at Cambuskenneth in 1314. The website provides information about the lands, peoples, and relationships that are mentioned in royal charters between 1314 and 1371.
Richard II’s Treasure: the riches of a medieval king
This archived online resource allows researchers to study the treasure roll of Richard II, which was discovered in the 1990s. The rolls, compiled between 1398 and 1399, were digitised and offers researchers an insight into the grandeur of a late medieval king by describing in great detail the crown, jewels, and other precious objects which belonged to the king and his two wives, Anne of Bohemia and Isabelle of France.
The Anglo-Norman On-Line Hub
This resource enables researchers to access resources on Anglo-Norman as a language. The resource contains Anglo-Norman Dictionary and showcases how Anglo-Norman has influenced the modern English language across time.
The Charters of William II and Henry I: History from the writs and charters of two Norman kings
This resource provides researchers with information on the royal acts issued in the names of Kings William II (1087-1100) and Henry I (1100-1135), who was also duke of Normandy from 1106 to 1135. The project edition includes several hundred beneficiary archives, which explain the motivations behind seeking the king’s seal and the project reasons for preservation, as well as data information regarding the significance of royal acts, mainly charters, writs and other letters.
The ‘Lands of the Normans’ in England (1204-1244) (LOTN)
This resource provides researchers with information about the historical consequences of the end of the Anglo-Norman realm for England and France. The project was based on the study of sample of Anglo-Norman landowners, centred on the important English source for the confiscations of 1204 (French conquest of Normandy) the Rotulus de valore terrarrum Normannorum.
The Northern Way: The Archbishops of York and the North of England, 1304-1405
This resource is part of an ongoing project which assesses and analyses the political roles of the Archbishops of York, 1304-1405. The project is linked with the University of York’s “The York Archbishops’ Registers Revealed” database. As the Northern Way research progresses, the researchers will make available a searchable online index of all relevant sources relating to the political activities of the archbishops from diocesan archives held at the National Archives and the Borthwick Institute, York.
The Parsed Corpus of Early English Correspondence (PCEEC)
This resource formed part of the Corpus of Early English Correspondence (CEEC), which sampled a wide regional coverage of Early English correspondence by selecting informants from London, East Anglia, the North (the counties north of Lincolnshire), as well as members of the Royal Court, many of whom lived in Westminster. The corpus resource is available through the Oxford Text Archive, in which an online application form can be filled to be approved to download the resource.
The Records of Central Government in England and Wales: Clerical Taxes 1173-1664
This resource, hosted by the National Archives of the UK website, enables researchers to access a database of digitised records of clerical taxation records. The records contain vast information regarding the institutional, economic, and social history of the medieval and early modern church in England and Wales, as well as the prosopographical history of the clergy. The records are important for researchers interested in the history of the Church and its relation with the state, and the website provides researchers with access to a digital distribution map of property and lordships.
The St Alban’s Psalter: on the Web
This resource provides researchers with commentaries on the St Alban’s Psalter, which has been digitised for researchers so that readers can “enjoy its beauty and content”. The website explains the aspects of the iconography and codicology, and provides researchers with transcriptions and translations of the psalter, as well as a brief overview about the anchoress Christina of Markyate is provided, as well as the Abbot of St Alban’s, Geoffrey de Gorham, who made the Psalter.
Welsh Prose 1300-1425
The online resource provides researchers with access to a free searchable corpus of Medieval Welsh Prose, namely 2.8 million words in 28 manuscripts. The website provides a freely accessible database and access to transcriptions of the text, which include law texts, historical, religious, medical and grammatical works, narrative tales translated from Latin and French and the tales of the Mabinogion. The manuscripts contain 140 texts, which are categorised into various genres, including genealogy, geography, history, law, medicine, religion, romance, and natural history. Additionally, researchers can search by manuscript, word search, and by language, including Welsh, Latin, English, Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic.
York Archbishops’ Registers Revealed
This resource provides researchers with access to over 20,000 images of registers produced by the Archbishops of York, 1225-1650. The registers are useful for researchers in gathering information for ecclesiastical, social, political, local and family history, especially as they chart moments of war, religious reformation, political tensions, famine and plague. Researchers can browse by people, religious houses, organisations and specific registers, and images of the registers can be viewed alongside the data entry.