RHS LGBT+ Survey 2019

by | Jul 1, 2019 | LGBT+, RHS Work | 0 comments

The Royal Historical Society Working Group on LGBT+ histories and historians  has launched its survey of historians, including students.

We want to find out more about the research, teaching and dissemination of LGBT+ histories, as well as the experience of LGBT+ historians.

  • What works?
  • What are the barriers?
  • What does good practice look like?

The survey is available here: https://edinburgh.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/rhs-lgbt-survey-2019.

It is open for three months, and will close at 23:59 (GMT) on Monday 30th September 2019.

We urge ALL historians to complete this survey whether or not you identify as LGBT+.

Please feel free to circulate to any historian, from students to retirees, and in any professional setting. You do not have to be a Member or Fellow of the RHS to complete the survey.

We appreciate that not all questions or sections will be relevant to all respondees, depending on your career stage, geographical location or the nature of your historical practice. Please simply focus on those that are – all information is valuable! We are very keen to collect your ideas and views and will use the responses to help shape a report for publication by the Society.

This survey forms part of our wider efforts to understand and meet the needs of active historians at all career stages. It follows our other very successful recent reports on Gender and on Race, Ethnicity and Equality, which are currently being widely discussed in History departments and in conferences and workshops across the country.

All responses are anonymous, all questions are optional, and the Society will hold no personal data.

The more replies we receive, the more credible the report will be.

Please circulate this survey, discuss it, tweet about it and, most importantly of all, please complete it by 30 September 2019.

If you would like to publicise the survey at an event, or within your department, please download a poster and / or Powerpoint slide here.

If you have any questions, or would like to access the survey in an alternative format, please contact the Royal Historical Society Research and Communications Officer, Dr Katherine Foxhall, by email at rescommsofficer@royalhistsoc.org, or contact the Royal Historical Society by telephone on +44 (0)20 7387 7532.

Thank you.

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