Race, Ethnicity and Equality at the Royal Historical Society

The Royal Historical Society (RHS) published its report, Race, Ethnicity & Equality in UK History, in October 2018. The Report highlighted racial and ethnic inequalities in the teaching and practice of History in the UK.

The 2018 Report drew attention to the underrepresentation of ‘Black and Minority Ethnic’ (BME) students and staff in university History programmes, the substantial levels of race-based bias and discrimination experienced by such historians in UK universities, and the negative impact of narrow school and university curriculums on diversity and inclusion. The report, a key component of the Society’s 150th anniversary programme, was founded upon a year of research and a survey of over 700 university-based historians.

Along with the two subsequent Roadmaps published in 2019 and 2020, the 2018 Report offers relevant, practical advice and guidance for academic historians on taking positive action to address and diminish barriers to equality in the discipline.

In June 2024, the Society published an Update to Race, Ethnicity & Equality in UK History. This extends the data on representation and attainment by BME History students and academic staff to 2022 — currently the latest date for which figures are available. The Update also reviews recent developments in teaching provision for Black and Asian History and summarises recent and current work undertaken by the Royal Historical Society as an agent for reform, with obligations to effect positive change at the levels of the individual, department and sector.

The Royal Historical Society continues to provide practical support where it’s most needed and impactful—often in partnership with organisations with shared aims. This work takes many forms, and continues to develop and evolve in response to circumstance. Further information on current projects is available here.


See below for Society reports relating to race, ethnicity and equality (2018-24)


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